Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Pre Cast concrete

Just browsing the internet found the website of the National precast concrete association of Australia (NPCAA) which outlines a lot of information about precast including its designs, its cleaning and various applications it can be used for.

It also has a publication on GRC (glass reinforced concrete), which outlines the addition of glass fibres creating a composite material increasing the buildings flexural, tensile and impact strength.

Tilt Up Construction

After finding the website above I thought id look for something similar to it but for tilt-up but couldn’t find an Australian one.

I did find a document however Guide to Tilt-up Design and Construction but it requires payment or a password to access something I don’t have or willing to buy at the present time, but ill put the link for whoever is.

The NPCAA also had an article bout the differences between precast and tilt up

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